Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Tech Lessons for the Week of August 20-24

Hey everyone! I hope your first full week of school was a huge success!

Mrs. Radcliffe has her Journalism class create the school news, which is distributed to the whole school every Friday. Her students have to create scripts, videos, and then edit those videos to create the final product. After her students have recorded those videos, they use a Google Form that allows you to upload pictures, videos, and other (certain types) of files so they can be put into the "responses sheet" for organization. Students then use an editing software called, "Wondershare" that allows them to create their school news! Here are some pictures of them editing!

Mrs. Brooks and her students are using SmartMusic this year!!! This online tool helps in so many ways! In SmartMusic, you can send assignments, grade assignments, record your own work, search for examples of work, and more!  Students signed up for their class and will be utilizing SmartMusic soon! 

Our Art teacher, Mrs. Moeller, is doing a shoe project with her students and she is using Google Slides and Google Forms. Mrs. Moeller has a Google slide presentation with the different pairs of shoes from the participating teachers. She is having her students go into the Google Form that she created to choose which slide goes with which teacher. 

Keep on sending those tech-filled activities, lessons, and projects into me to share your ideas with our other great teachers!!!

 Have a blessed week everyone!!!

Joshua Benjamin
Technology Integrated Specialist
Phone extension: 12918
Email: jhbenjamin@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
Twitter: @coachjb4 and @sdmsdropzone
"Be the change that you wish to see in others."

Monday, August 20, 2018

Tech Lessons for the Week of August 13-17

Welcome back all! I hope the summer break was relaxing and refreshing with family and friends!

As we get back into the swing of things, do not hesitate to send me pictures and a summary of how technology was integrated into the classroom. When this was started in the last quarter of the the last school year, there were several positive remarks sent that reflected the fact teachers within the district could see how others were utilizing technology. I really appreciated the kind words, but I challenge all of you as you read this to send your own tech-filled lessons to share with everyone as well. This blog is not just seen by our teachers, but others across the nation. We can truly make a difference, not just in our classroom, not just in our district, but in the world!

S-DMS counselors (Jeff and Renee) utilized the PAC, Google Slides, Google Classroom, and Google Forms for their presentation and the beginning stages of the Trojan Careers Program. Google Slides was used for their informative presentation, which provided details that would make an easy transition to the Kuder Careers and Indiana Career Explorer website. The counselors created a Google Classroom for each of the grade levels (named by their graduation year so those classrooms are passed on to the high school counselors) which makes for an effective way of communicating with our students. Google Forms was incorporated for surveying and an info-seeking purpose for the careers program.


Sixth grade teacher, Mrs. Lecher used a digital breakout for her classes last week. She mentioned, "A Digital Breakout was created to review the six traits of writing--Sentence Fluency, Organization, Ideas, Word Choice, Voice, and Conventions. It included a puzzle to be solved, a Google Drawing to be looked at, a few hidden messages, and a few videos. Students eagerly completed the breakout and seemed to love every minute of it!" They also used Google Forms to "breakout" of what they learned while in their groups.



Here are some digital breakout resources to explore for your classroom! 

Welcome to 1:1 ECHS!!! Our high school teachers and students are transitioning into the 1:1 world which means there is a high school DropZone this year! This is operated by Mrs. Hutzel and her highly qualified high school students that are passionate about technology.  The high school DropZone is continually learning about Chromebooks and how they can serve their teachers and peers. When asked about her DropZone class, Mrs. Hutzel said, " EC students submit a "ticket" through a Google Doc and then members of the Student Tech Support Team go to that student's class, retrieve the CB to troubleshoot issues. Doing it this way minimizes distractions from instructional time keeping kids in class. So far we have documented 48 issues in the first full week of school."

Now that the high school is 1:1 and needs a DropZone, the middle is moving into year 2 of their 1:1 implementation and DropZone team too!!! Last year, the middle school's DropZone consisted of high school students (which they did an amazing job, by the way!), and this year it is a group of eighth graders that will head the ship for the middle school DropZone. These middle school DropZone students are eager to learn, help, and anything in-between! They want to find the solutions to problems, assist their peers, and help in any way possible. Welcome to the middle school DropZone everyone!


Like I said in the first paragraph, please send me your awesome technology integrated lessons, tools, assignments, projects, etc to share with our amazing staff!! Let's make this the best school year yet!

Have a blessed week everyone!!!

Joshua Benjamin
Technology Integrated Specialist
Phone extension: 12918
Email: jhbenjamin@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
Twitter: @coachjb4 and @sdmsdropzone
"Be the change that you wish to see in others."

Tech Lessons for the Week of Sept. 10-14

Happy Monday everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend! Along with our great teachers sharing awesome ways to utilize technology in t...