Friday, May 25, 2018

Tech Lessons for the week May 14-18!!!! Field days, the last assessments, book and Chromebook collections, and any other last items of importance are going on right now as I type this blog. How did this year fly by so quickly?

Last week, was a busy week...hence the late blog post (my apologies by the way😁) We had PearDeck, Google Slides, Screencastify, Screenshots, Prezi, and Google Forms to name a few.

Mr. Sizemore had his students use Google Slides to create a small presentation of their "favorite" math skill. As a part of that presentation, students used self-created videos (Screencastify!!) or a YouTube video and used Screencastify to annotate what is happening in the video. Students collaborated and figured out how they were going to "wow" their peers as a presented their final product.


Mrs. Klenke wanted her students to learn more about PearDeck and the add-on within Google Slides. We walked through the different templates by PearDeck, and learned how to change them for their specific presentation. PearDeck is an interactive presentation that keeps the audience engaged and gives them the ability to voice their thoughts. After reviewing the add-on, we created a presentation and had a student present theirs to the class. By doing this, students got to see what it looked like from the interactive side and the presenter side. We had a TON of fun with this presentation tool!


I went into Mrs. Meyer and Mrs. Lecher's classes to discuss Screencastify with their students. They all learned the new look of Screencastify and we created some videos of our own! You can never go wrong with this extension as you have read in previous blog posts, it has been a fan favorite!


Mrs. Mersmann's classes used Google Slides to create individual presentations on an herb that they chose for this assignment. Their peers used Google Forms to evaluate each other on their presentation.


Mr. Jackson's math classes used Google Forms, Slides, and screenshots to create a display of statistics within different categories. Students created a form for others to complete (on a topic(s) of their choice), and took screenshots of the many graphs in the "response" tab within Google Forms to insert into their Google Slide presentation. There were several graphs displayed as well as the students putting their own spin on their presentation. Their collaboration and creativity with this assignment was well-represented!



To end this school year's blog, we have to conclude with the Middle School Chromebook Collection. The preparation and 3 and a half day collection process was assisted by great people! To all of the personnel that helped make this a successful collection, THANK YOU!!! Just like anything else, we made it fun and the students did really well with the whole process.



I really hope that this blog has been beneficial for all of you to see at least these few things: how we are incorporating technology into our lessons, the collaboration piece to make tech lessons successful, the ability of our students and how they can create for themselves, and how we can share our classroom with the whole school district.

Have a great summer break! I may even see some of you during the summer at some PD opportunities! Thanks for all that you do!!!!

Follow on Twitter @sdmsdropzone!

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Tech Lessons for the Week of Sept. 10-14

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